Cooper Alan back to Kegs Canal Side. And just like when he was there back in the winter he didn’t disappoint. Mr.Alan has a wonderful laid back personality and so down to earth. He has such high energy and moves around the stage like i’ve never witnessed before.Tik Tok has certainly helped Cooper gain traction and make himself known to the world.

Spent much of the time on stage signing hats, taking people’s phones and doing selfies and even many handshakes.If you know about Cooper Alan you know he loves to do mash-ups. The man has the talent and voice to sing many different genres of music, not just country. Music is how he bonded with his family, they always went to concerts. It’s always a good way to bring people together, and not always together but closer. Music has always been an interest of his since he was very young going through school. Playing the guitar made him feel “cooler” in a sence that he thought the girls would like him more.

Cooper Alan has millions of social media followers and his shows will just get bigger and bigger over time. He took advantage of doing what he could while the world was on pause. He resorted to making Tik Tok’s with advice of his girlfriend, and now look at the following he has aquired with doing so. Nobody starts out at the top right from the start.He’s making a name for himself and will be larger than life before you know it. Central NY hopes to have you back soon!

Opening the show for him was Reed Foley & Kyle Clark which both did a great job getting the crowd ready for Cooper Alan. Singing some covers and original music. The crowd stayed content and followed along quite well. Both of these guys were new faces to to the stage at kegs. But i have a feeling it wont be the last time we seen them. They even had Cooper “lurking” from back stage watching them perform. That really says something when a headliner takes interest in how the crowd is responding and how they’re doing to keep their interest.

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