Seventh Day Slumber & The Nocturnal Affair Opened the show for Fozzy. Syracuse NY was rocked to the core at the Lost Horizon. Saturday April 15,2023 was a warm and sunny day, the line to enter the venue went down the street. Wasn't just warm outside was quite hot inside as well. As the music kicked off the place began to fill to a sold out level. Save The World Tour didn't disappoint all the heavy metal fans of Central New York. Fozzy hasn't been to Central NY in about 10 years. Lead singer Chris Jericho and known as a WWE superstar had no trouble getting the crowd to repeat the band name "Fozzy" several times throughout the night. He stood silent and just glared at the crowd when he first came out. Along with a surprise spray of water from a red solo cup he was holding.

Chris Irvine spouts out that the Syracuse crowd was like a big frat party. Singing all original music and keeping the fans involved is exactly what he did. A solid 1.5 hrs worth of music from Fozzy and total with the openers almost 4 hrs. Not a bad night to spend with all thunderous base from drums & guitars. Fozzy started out like many bands singing covers to having many songs of their own. “Judas” will sure catch your attention and keep you interested, especially if you follow the genre of music that they produce. Chris also known for his in ring microphone skill, brings it all to the stage as well for his fans. He and his band certainly don’t leave anything backstage, they put their all into the show. Click HERE to see additional photos from the show. . (Written By R. Johnston)