Tues March 28,2023 The Third Eye Blind at the Palace Theatre. Given the chance to review the show how could one refuse is what came to my mind. The palace Theatre even for as old as it is still is a beautiful venue. Serving cold drinks and even popcorn (some of us laughed) but hey people were still buying it. The crowd was pumped to see the band get started. They did start a little bit late, but hey what concert does start on time anyways. The fog machine and bright light combo did make it hard to see them at first, but it cleared up a bit after awhile. Most everyone in the crowd was on their feet for most of the show. The first set seemed to go pretty quick, from “Graduate Never Leaving” into the second set. The band put on a performance of some unrelased songs, kind of an unplugged edition as well. All the band members sitting center stage basically acoustic version. Almost as if they were in a studio and gave the crowd a glipse of how its done. Being a lover of all music it was cool to get a view of how musicians put things together and what goes into it.

The second set the fog cleared up quite a bit and the lighting was also much better. Third Eye Blind also has an album out that is an unplugged version if interested check it out. These guy didn’t fail to put on a show that they came to do. Keeping the crowd singing and involved with waving their hands and clapping surely shows they were enjoying themselves. The last part of the show really was top notch and couldn’t have asked for better. An amazing light show including lazers that shot out over the crowd that made you feel like it was a ceiling of color. “You had to be there” Of course all the bigger & most popular songs were saved for the end. Hey the best for last right ! Semi charmed life, and then the band disappears off stage as if the show is done. The crowd doesn’t move an inch besides some that moved as close as they could get to the stage. “Knowing the band would come back out” And within a few minutes they come out with “How’s it gonna be” before saying goodnight to the crowd and they will be back. Great show and show is worth seeing if they make it to your area. (Written by J. Johnston) Click HERE to see additional photos from the show.